Wednesday, 12 March 2014


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Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Free Simple Dresses And Skin Care Set

Free Simple Dresses And Skin Care Set

Firstly Log into Stardoll,
Go to My Account
Then Click On Settings 
Copy Your User ID
Then Put this Link In Your URL Box:
After the u= put your User ID then hit enter and wait for the Page to Load.
Scroll down and fill in the Questions, (You can Do fake Awncers But Do a Real Email)
Click Submit then you will be Sent to a Different Simple Page, Leave it.
Go to Stardoll and There will be Simple Bags In Your Suite, Open them for the dresses and simple Set :)

Join the First Official Stardoll Sims Club! When you join you get free sims gifts.

If you live in the USA Click Here to join the club!

If you dont live in USA Then go to one of these Proxies: Or Or
When you go on one of these proxies, put in the URL Box and then press the enter button or click on go.

Log in stardoll and then paste this link in the URL proxy box:

Free MSW Items

Free MSW Items

To Get These MSW Items all you have to do is log on and click Here:
they will besent to your suite in a Black Special Bag with some Beautiful Ribbons On It :)


Stardoll Stardollars Hack

For many years we have been monitoring and taking feedback from our Facebook fans on what they would like next. Almost all of them wanted us to make a Stardoll cheat that would give them free Starpoints, Starcoins and Stardollars. Today we are pleased to announce the new Stardoll hack v1.3. The screenshot of the application is above and currently works with windows, mac and Linux. We have put a limit of 1 million Starpoints and 500,000 starcoins as well as 15000 Stardollars so don’t put any more in because this will crash the program. If you enjoyed this Stardoll cheat, please leave us feedback and don’t forget to like us on Facebook and twitter. We want to know what other cheats you would like.
To get this Stardoll cheat you must:
  1. Click the pink download button above.
  2. Download and install our Stardoll cheat server
  3. Select how much Starpoints you want (maximum of 1 million per week)
  4. Enter your account name and press the ‘generate’ button
  5. Login to your Stardoll account and you should have all of the Starpoints you wanted
Enjoy! Remember to click the generate button before you close the program or it wont work. If you would like to generate Starcoins or Stardollars simply repeat the above process but select ‘Stardollars’ instead. If it still doesn’t work check out our Stardoll gift card codes page. Ill be posting Stardoll clothes cheats within the next week so keep checking for updates.

Dark Pink Dress Cheat

Hello again everyone! Our site is growing daily and to thank every visitor we are going to reveal another amazing dress in dark pink. This stardoll cheat is rare, and this is the first website to reveal it. The actual dress in real like costs more than 400 pounds and is stardoll is for 10,000 stardollars as well as being for superstars only. Iv seen this same stardoll cheat being SOLD in other websites for over 10 pounds! We at dont believe people have to pay for a dress on top of that having to pay for superstar on stardoll. Here is a small preview of the dress (the cheat code is available to get up to 3 dresses in 3 colours):

How to get this stardoll cheat:

  1. Login to your stardoll account, you need to be superstar so if you are not then don’t worry just click here and download our free superstar generator cheat to become superstar.
  2. Click on the blue download button above to get your cheat codes.
  3. Select a SINGLE code either pink, blue or green.
  4. Paste it in the URL bar of your browser while logged in.
  5. You should now have this wonderful dress.
Have good fun with this dress, and keep inviting your friends to our site for more startdoll cheats to be revealed.

Stardoll Cheat for Patchwork Bag

Hi guys, this will be the first cheat I have discovered for a bag. My friends and I were just messing around with some of the stardoll cheat, when we came across one of the rarest items in stardoll history! Its the patchwork bag which in real life costs over $500! We were really excited when we found this stardoll cheat but there is a slight downside, you need to me a superstar to get this patchwork bag. No worries though we will be releasing a stardoll superstar cheat that will let you become a superstar for up to 12 month using the cheat. Anyway once you become superstar you can now just get the code for the patchwork bag cheat. Heres a little preview of the patchwork bag, it is one of the rarest items in stardoll in fact last week stardoll relieved the top 10 rarest items in startdoll history and this was at number 7! So you can imagine the attention you will be getting from all your friends on startdoll once you get this stardoll cheat.

How to get this stardoll cheat:

  1. First you must make sure you are superstar you can either buying a gift card officially from here or use our new stardoll cheat for superstar that is coming very soon.
  2. Once you become Superstar, Click on the blue ‘download now’ button to get you individual unique cheat code for the patchwork handbag.
  3. Login to your stardoll account and paste your code into your browser and follow the steps given.
  4. You should now have the patchwork bag in your inventory.
Since this bag is worth alot of starcoins we suggest you either keep it till the value of this rare item increases then auction it off for a much higher value.
Good Luck Cheating and ENJOY!

Stardoll Free Stuff Cheat – Pack of 30 Items

Hey guys. Just found another great cheat that we just used. Its another Stardoll cheat code. But this time there’s over 30 items to get using 1 cheat code! It comes with lots of: trousers, bras. dresses, shirts and vests. They are all beautiful and there are tons of colours to choose from. This pack was released to the public when Stardoll was first created, all 30 items are now very rare and valuable so this startdoll cheat is one of the ways you can get all 30 and show them off to your stardoll friends. Heres some of the items that that are included in this huge pack of 30 items!

How to Get These Free Stardoll Items:

As you can see they are really basic items but who doesn’t want to keep rare items in their closet? To get these 30+ items just follow the simple steps bellow.
  1. Download your unique code using the blue ’download now’ button above.
  2. Once you get you’re code you need around 50 stardollars (get them free using ourStardollar Cheat For Starpoints)
  3. After getting 50 Starpoints, copy and paste the code into your browser and go to your account.
  4. Go to your wardrobe or closet (whatever you call it lol) and you should see all the 30+ items stacked in a corner.
Its a basic stardoll cheat but it works fast and its great to show off with. We discovered this cheat literally like 10 hours ago and we tested it and worked great! So you shouldn’t have a problem with it either.
Note: If you want any colours of the 30+ items changed you need to visit any shop and there should be a option to change colour. Click on that and change the colour, but there is a small fee of 10 starpoints to do it, but just use our free starpoints cheat 2012 to get them easily.

Have fun! Dont forget to ‘like’ us on Facebook and ‘tweet’ us on Twitter.
Good Luck!

Rare Stardoll Red Dress

This Rare Stardoll Red Dress can be used by both Normal members as well as superstars. This red dress was officially launched on Christmas day 2009, but since everyone was busy opening their presents from Santa nobody really got a chance to get it. Not only that when it first came out it was for superstars only and was priced at 500 stardollars! That’s way too much for anyone to get, but recently i found a Stardoll cheat that allows all members to get this beautiful cherry red with gold dress, to get this cheat you must be logged on to your Stardoll account and you must be inside any of the shops in the game, once you are follow the instructions below to get this dress using out new Stardoll cheats:

How to get this Red/Gold Stardoll Dress Cheat For FREE:

  1. Download the code from the blue button above
  2. Paste the special code that you downloaded into you internet browser
  3. Go to your account, and the above red and gold dress should be there
Once you get the free red dress you can now show it off to your friends since it is a rare item, or you can simply sell it to another stardoll member and earn some coins with it. Either way have fun and remember to tell your friends about our site, so they can enjoy these free Stardoll cheats just like you.
You can also get this dress in a grassy green colour with blue parts, i didn’t post it on my blog because of the bad colour but if you any of you want it just send me an email and i will give you the code to get it for free. Dont forget to check out my first post on how to get more stardollars cheat
Enjoy this fabulous Rare Red dress cheat

R&B Diva Dress Cheat

Hi! We have found yet another cheat for another amazing dress! Its called the R&B Diva Dress which many celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Aniston and Britney Spears. Heck even Justin Bieber admitted to buying one for his girl lol. Anyway this stardoll cheat has got two options a gold colour and a purple colour. You can only have one colour so make your choice wisely. Here’s a picture of the gold R&B Diva Dress:
As you can see the dress is designed beautifully by R&B and they did a superb job choosing a great colour. It goes along with many of my shoes in stardoll, and i wear it alot to parties and when visiting my friends houses on stardoll. I will try and upload a picture of the purple version of this dress if i can. If you want you could auction it off and sell it for alot of stardollars and save up to buy things with it like your favourite make-up or shoes. This stardoll cheat for this dress works for both normal members and superstars, just follow the instructions bellow to get the dress. Remember if you still want to be a superstar for 12 months without paying anything, take a look at my first post.

How to use this Stardoll Cheat:

  1. Download your special stardoll cheat code from the blue ‘download now’ button above.
  2. There will be 2 lines of code the first is for the gold dress and the second is for the purple dress, make sure you choose the correct one!
  3. Login to your stardoll account and paste the code into your browser.
  4. You should now have a brand new R&B Diva Dress in Gold/Purple. Enjoy!
Remember this is for both non-superstars as well as superstars. If you want to get a pack of 30 items cheat click on this link.
Enjoy Cheating!

Stardoll Cheats For StarPoints 2013

Hey guys, firstly thanks for visiting my new blog, this blog will focus on one thing only,Stardoll Cheatsthere wont be any advertisements or anything like that just pure Stardoll cheats, hacks and tips. I love Stardoll just as much as anyone who plays it but sometimes I do get angry when I don’t have enough Stardollars, Starcoins or Starpoints and like most stardoll players i hate buying new stardollars or membership every few months. This is why i have developed (with the help of a few of my friends) a Stardoll Stardollar hack. It took us awhile to do but we are sure that it is the best Stardoll cheat of 2012. Heres how it works. Firstly you need to download the free stardoll stardollar generator by clicking on the button below, once you get it open it up with your computer and the following screen should come up:

How to use this Stardoll cheat :

  1. Once you get the stardoll cheats window open you have to type in your username in the ‘login’ part for example my username on Stardoll is ‘ladygagaloverxx’ so i will put that in there.
  2. Then you select how many starpoints you want (the most you can have is 4000), also select how much starcoins you want (maximum of 1000000) and finally select how much stardollars you want.
  3. After setting it all up simply click the ‘generate’ button and the coins, points and stardollars will start flowing into your account. It should take no longer than 48 hours for it to go into your account.
While you are waiting for your Stardoll coins and points why don’t you have a look at our website and read some of the free stardoll items tips i have as well as the other cheats and hacks that i found for Stardoll. If you have any questions or find a bug in the program please email me using our contact us. Don’t forget to share our site to your friends on Facebook and Twitter. So good luck everyone and enjoy your free stardollars and coins, don’t forget to come back tomorrow there will be a new release of the Stardoll membership generator 2012 which can get make your account a SuperStar for up to 12 months!

Stardoll Superstar Christmas Tree for Free!

Hi everyone, I hope your having a great holiday so far and enjoying Stardoll as much as you can before Christmas day tomorrow. I have a great Stardoll cheat to share with you guys today, its a little late but you can still get it if you want.
If your still stuck on that old, boring green Christmas tree i think you need an upgrade to the awesome new and shiny gold one like the on below:
To get this cool tree simply follow the steps below to get it:
  1. Make sure you first have a regular green tree which is free for all members
  2. Click the pink download button above to get the special key
  3. Copy and paste the code into your browser and press go
  4. Check your Stardoll account, and you should see this tree replace your old green one
  5. Enjoy!
I hope you guys like the cheat, iv not been posting recently because i have been busy with other important stuff, but ill try to post as much as i can after Christmas day.
What are you guys having for your Christmas Eve dinner? Leave a comment below to make all us Stardoll players hungry :)
PS. have you guys seen the latest Google Follow Santa , its a fun app made by the Google team to track where Santa is and how many presents hes handed out so far, check it out!

Dark Pink Dress Cheat

Hello again everyone! Our site is growing daily and to thank every visitor we are going to reveal another amazing dress in dark pink. This stardoll cheat is rare, and this is the first website to reveal it. The actual dress in real like costs more than 400 pounds and is stardoll is for 10,000 stardollars as well as being for superstars only. Iv seen this same stardoll cheat being SOLD in other websites for over 10 pounds! We at dont believe people have to pay for a dress on top of that having to pay for superstar on stardoll. Here is a small preview of the dress (the cheat code is available to get up to 3 dresses in 3 colours):

How to get this stardoll cheat:

  1. Login to your stardoll account, you need to be superstar so if you are not then don’t worry just click here and download our free superstar generator cheat to become superstar.
  2. Click on the blue download button above to get your cheat codes.
  3. Select a SINGLE code either pink, blue or green.
  4. Paste it in the URL bar of your browser while logged in.
  5. You should now have this wonderful dress.
Have good fun with this dress, and keep inviting your friends to our site for more startdoll cheats to be revealed.

Rare Stardoll Red Dress

This Rare Stardoll Red Dress can be used by both Normal members as well as superstars. This red dress was officially launched on Christmas day 2009, but since everyone was busy opening their presents from Santa nobody really got a chance to get it. Not only that when it first came out it was for superstars only and was priced at 500 stardollars! That’s way too much for anyone to get, but recently i found a Stardoll cheat that allows all members to get this beautiful cherry red with gold dress, to get this cheat you must be logged on to your Stardoll account and you must be inside any of the shops in the game, once you are follow the instructions below to get this dress using out new Stardoll cheats:

How to get this Red/Gold Stardoll Dress Cheat For FREE:

  1. Download the code from the blue button above
  2. Paste the special code that you downloaded into you internet browser
  3. Go to your account, and the above red and gold dress should be there
Once you get the free red dress you can now show it off to your friends since it is a rare item, or you can simply sell it to another stardoll member and earn some coins with it. Either way have fun and remember to tell your friends about our site, so they can enjoy these free Stardoll cheats just like you.
You can also get this dress in a grassy green colour with blue parts, i didn’t post it on my blog because of the bad colour but if you any of you want it just send me an email and i will give you the code to get it for free. Dont forget to check out my first post on how to get more stardollars cheat
Enjoy this fabulous Rare Red dress cheat